Your Headshot

Richard Z Huang

I'm a PhD student in the computer science department at Brown University, where I'm advised by Ellis Hershkowitz. Before that, I graduated from Princeton University, where I was advised by Matt Weinberg and Mark Braverman.

I work on stuff like combinatorial optimization and algorithms under incentives + uncertainty.




Simple Length-Constrained Minimum Spanning Trees
With Ellis Hershkowitz
A cute randomized algorithm gets a 1/\epsilon diameter apx and n^\epsilon cost apx in this bicriteria MST problem
Prophet Inequality of Partition Matroid Intersection
Advised by Matt Weinberg
Undergrad senior thesis, 2023
[Princeton DataSpace,
I did not close the gap between the root d lower bound and d upper bound for the prophet inequality constrained to an intersection of d partition matroids
On Multidimensional Stable Matching
Advised by Mark Braverman
Undergrad junior paper, 2022
The expected number of solutions for a random instance of k dimensional stable matching with complete preferences and n agents for each of the k parties is polynomial on n


At Brown:
  • CSCI 2952T (Algorithms Toolkit) during Fall 2024
At Princeton:
  • COS 126 (Intro CS) during Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023
  • COS 340 (Discrete Math) during Spring 2021, Fall 2021
  • COS 445 (Economics of Computation) during Spring 2022, Spring 2023
  • COS 451 (Computational Geometry) during Fall 2022


I put the middle initial because it looks cool

Me playing oboe

I post music on the internet when I have time

I also write some arrangements for my friends and I to play together when I have a lot of time

We performed this one at Jeremy's senior recital

I enjoyed spending time on creative projects in my college classes like this and this

A pic of the back of my head (in the bottom left) when I was in ppe